Kazan Federal University is ranked among the top 370 in the World University Ranking in 2021. Kazan Federal University has also been rated four stars overall in the QS Stars evaluation system. -Over 50,000 students enrolled in all types of programs -About 10,883 international students from 101 countries*
FEFU is the bearer of traditions of the Russian classical culture, science and education. Far Eastern Federal University has its origins in 1899 at the time when the Oriental Institute was founded in Vladivostok. To be a student at Far Eastern Federal University means you have a lifetime opportunity to exceed your ambitious. For this reason, more than 3500 international students have chosen Far Eastern Federal University to be their destination for higher education.
The mission of the University is to ensure the high professional level of medical and scientific personnel, the formation of civil and moral qualities of the individual in the context of a global educational, scientific and information society and the dynamically changing needs of the labor market. The first institution both in Russia and Europe that provided an opportunity for women to acquire higher medical education.
University have more than 7,000 members of staff and over 32,000 students, including about 3,000 international students from 54 countries. The University has cooperation agreements with the leading national and foreign higher education institutions, regulatory bodies, major companies and enterprises of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea. Today, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University comprises 23 academic and non-academic units and 12 branches located across Crimea, including 10 academies and institutes, 7 colleges, 11 branches, and 11 research and science institutions and centres.
For more than 85 years our institution has been successfully training specialists for health care, scientific and pedagogical work in the sphere of professional medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Federation. Scientists of Bashkir State Medical University successfully represent our Republic and Russia at the international events in different fields of natural sciences.
A unique holistic body that brings together doctors both on the basis of professional communication and on the basis of common interests and hobbies. University absorbed the experience and achievements of the pupils of different generations. Society graduates of all generations Altai Medical University – unbreakable brotherhood. International Educational Activities Altai State Medical University began accepting foreign students in 1991. In February 1994, the faculty of foreign students has been organized. The faculty carries out the preparation of foreign students in the specialties: “General Medicine”, “pharmacy”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”.